171 |
Reason for being of a nation and government |
Admin |
02-02-13 |
2131 |
170 |
Public inquiries to the government authorities regardi |
Admin |
02-02-04 |
2156 |
169 |
Budding interest of liberal parties in 'North Korea's |
Admin |
02-02-04 |
2077 |
168 |
Pyeongyang's control over South Korea's Minister of Un |
Admin |
02-02-03 |
2134 |
167 |
Han Hun selected as an independence fighter of Februar |
Admin |
02-02-01 |
2229 |
166 |
Interest of Europe countries in abductees' issues |
Admin |
02-01-31 |
2445 |
165 |
A memorial tower for innocent people massacred in Cheo |
Admin |
02-01-24 |
2285 |
164 |
North Korean lawyer group claims that USA used biochem |
Admin |
02-01-23 |
2194 |
163 |
Record of North Korea regarding Jo So-ang |
Admin |
01-12-30 |
2001 |
162 |
A family reunion plan has gone up in smoke with counte |
Admin |
01-12-30 |
1985 |
161 |
Being in agreement with N.K. to have a family reunion |
Admin |
01-12-30 |
2117 |
160 |
Disadvantages still exist for the families of abductee |
Admin |
01-12-17 |
2091 |
159 |
Korean War-related data collections |
Admin |
01-12-05 |
2577 |
158 |
A poem 'father' by Kim Yeong-shik, a son of Pa-In, Kim |
Admin |
01-12-04 |
2311 |
157 |
Briefings of KWAFU activities until Dec. 3, 2001 |
Admin |
01-12-04 |
2380 |
156 |
Opening address of the 1st KWAFU hearing and related d |
Admin |
01-12-04 |
2376 |
155 |
KWAFU publishes its first issue "Tteut' |
Admin |
01-12-04 |
2339 |
154 |
The ruling party urges confirmation of life and death |
Admin |
01-11-01 |
2832 |
153 |
Lee, the Hannara party leader criticizes the pro-North |
Admin |
01-10-31 |
2557 |
152 |
The search campaigns 44 years ago for families separat |
Admin |
01-10-30 |
2767 |