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2014-01-03 16:00:13 | Hit 1259
Jan. 31, 2002
The Korean War Abductees' Family Union sent an open letter to the minister of unification Thursday demanding a government-level investigation into those kidnapped during the Korean War, and reasonable compensation for psychological and material damage to the families concerned.
A newly discovered list, featured in the February issue of the Monthly Chosun, which re-ignited the issue, prompted the letter.
Questioning whether the government denies the presence of kidnap victims from the Korean War, the family group criticized President Kim Dae-jung's special address in September 2000 on those kidnapped to the North which did not include those abducted during the war. It noted that the government had said there were no documents on them, but the National Library has the list on microfilm.
KWAFU called for the formation of an agency and the enactment of special act dealing with Korean War abductees in addition to compensation for the families, who claim to have suffered government surveillance, suppression and disadvantages when getting jobs.
A Unification Ministry official said that after a close review of the letter, the government would do its best to accommodate the families' needs.