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2nd US activity plan - Seminar proposal in Washington,
Name: admin
2011-10-06 13:10:31  |  Hit 1311

2nd US activity plan - Seminar proposal in Washington, D.C.

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°¡. ÀϽà : 2011. 10. 6(¸ñ), 14:00 ~ 16:30
³ª. Àå¼Ò : National Press Club(Washington DC), 13Ãþ Murrow/White/Lisagor Rooms
´Ù. Á¦¸ñ : A Review of Korean War Armistice Conference
- South Korean civilian abduction by North Korea
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Seminar Proposal
1. Purpose and Historical Background
The purpose of this seminar is to analyze reasons, internal and external, why discussions at the armistice conference on the repatriation of South Korean civilians abducted by North Korea during the Korean War came to a limit, and to seek for an international solution through a review of military armistice conference where the issue of repatriation of over 80,000 South Korean civilians abducted illegally by the North Korean regime during the Korean War was raised.
At the same time, it is hoped that this seminar would contribute to supporting the resolution introduced by Representative Charles Rangel to the US House of Representatives, calling for the repatriation of POW/MIAs and abductees from the Korean War. It is also hoped that this seminar would enhance international awareness of the fact that North Korea, even now, after lapse of over 60 years since the start of the abduction crime, continues to deny it, thereby pressing the assailant to admit the crime, provide information on the fate of the victims and return of their remains, if passed away.

2. Outline of the Seminar
Date and Time: Oct. 6, 2011 (Thu), 14:00 ~ 16:30
Venue: National Press Club, Washington DC, Murrow/White/Lisagor Rooms(13th Fl)
Theme: A Review of Korean War Armistice Conference
- Abduction of South Korean civilians by North Korea -
Moderator, Keynote Speaker and Discussants
- Moderator: Kongdan Oh Hassing(Institute for Defense Analyses)
- Keynote Speaker: Prof. Lee Young-jo (Kyunghee Univ.)
- Discussant: Chuck Downs (ex-Exec. Dir. US Comte for HRNK)
- Discussant: Scott Snyder (Council on Foreign Affairs)
- Discussant: Prof. Heo Man-ho (Kyungbuk Univ.)
- Opening Ceremony
Robert King(Ambassador, North Korean Human Rights Issues)
Joonkook Hwang(Minister of Political Affairs, Embassy of the Republic of Korea)
Lee Mi-il (President, KWAFU)
- Documentary film show "Truth of the Korean War Abduction by North Korea" (16 minutes)
- Presentation (20 minutes)
- Discussions (40 minutes)
- Q & A (20 minutes)
- Closing
Others: The seminar will be open to the public interested in this matter.

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