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2014-01-02 09:40:59 | Hit 1259
500,000 North Korean Civilians were Abducted by UN¡¯s Side
False Statement from the Communist Side
(Jan. 7, 1952, Cho-sun Daily, 1st page)
[Panmunjeom- Jan. 5- with Reuters reporting] On the 4th at the armistice talks, the Communist side blamed the Allied Forces of abducting North Korean citizens and bringing them to the South with threats of an atomic attack. The Communist side said the number of North Korean citizens the Allied Forces had sent this way to the South reached 500,000.
False Statement from the Communist Side
(Jan. 7, 1952, Cho-sun Daily, 1st page)
[Panmunjeom- Jan. 5- with Reuters reporting] On the 4th at the armistice talks, the Communist side blamed the Allied Forces of abducting North Korean citizens and bringing them to the South with threats of an atomic attack. The Communist side said the number of North Korean citizens the Allied Forces had sent this way to the South reached 500,000.